Some progress was made to the lower unit apartment! When I first purchased the house the upper unit was in much worse condition compared to the lower. Now, the upper is my new favorite place. My previous tenant moved out so we (note: "we" usually means john and peg) took some time to re-do the lower unit bathroom. Here are some before and after photos.
lower unit
Well. It has been some time since I have shared an update. The most exciting news at the duplex has taken place in the lower unit.. BATHROOM. I'll share a few pictures in my next post of that remodel but for the time being. Here are some general shots of the lower apartment.

art abounds.
cheers to brilliant DPI for printing artwork for me! and huge cheers to my awesome dad for hanging it up!
this baby is 3 feet x 4 feet and hangs out at the stairway/entrance way.
this baby hangs above the porcelain throne.
humboldt park poster.
That subway tile though...
It made a debut in the bathroom and now it is being welcomed into the kitchen.
the living room. part 2.
throwback thursday: the view from the top.
one of the first things that was tackled was the chimney! milwaukee cream city brick was taken down to make use as a route for electrical wires!
Texture Tuesday
Winter woodstain sessions
happy new year
the living room. before. during. after.
part 1. view from the living room.
oh christmas tree
grabbed this tree from the goodwill down the street in october. i hope it likes its new home.
happy christmas.
merry christmas from my house to yours. ill be posting some updated before and after pictures this weekend!
stairway to heaven.
the entrance to the second floor (the unit we are re-doing) definitely needed a refresher. since painting the WHOLE area would have been too much to take on, marge came up with the idea of using their house as an inspiration.
the above photo is from the staircase at my parent's house. the staircase has two tones of paint... a darker color at the railing height and lighter at the top. we used that idea to upgrade my front entrance.
upgraded stairs!
bathroom progress.
the shower is in.
texture Tuesday: claw foot tub
this baby got an upgrade.
it is upside down but is waiting for the bathtub to get an upgrade before it can be installed.
texture tuesday
be still. winter is here.
swing from the chandelier
check out this upgrade. this chandelier hung in my parents house until last spring when my dad refinished their dining room and swapped out the light (to a refurbished find). now the chandelier has new life in bay view!
hello from the underside.
one door closes. another door opens.
cheers to habitat restore for having incredible finds. and cheers to incredible parents who not only find the deals but also repair them!
the green grass grows all around. all around.
these tall grasses are imported from my parents garden. the fence got an upgrade... shortened, painted and a gate was added.
this old house...
another throwback to the WAYYYY before.
before and after: built in cabinet drawers
with the help of some amish wood cleaner and some elbow grease...